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Rubber Hip Roof A Modern and Durable Roofing Solution

This farmhouse-style roof features a sleek and modern design with a rubber material in a classic gray color. The rubber material provides durability and weather resistance perfect for protecting the home from the elements. The gray color adds a subtle and timeless touch to the overall aesthetic of the farmhouse. This roof seamlessly blends traditional farmhouse style with contemporary materials for a stylish and functional finish.

Beige Stucco Siding with Tile Accents

This beautiful house is made of stucco siding and has a dark grey roof. The roof is made of tile material making it a durable and long-lasting structure. The house is a single-family home perfect for a family of four or more. It has a large backyard and plenty of windows making it a great place to relax and enjoy the outdoors.

Large Gray-Roofed House Apartment

This house has a classic look with its brick siding and brown color. The roof is a hip type made of shingles which adds to the traditional feel of the house. The combination of the brick and shingles gives the house a timeless look that will never go out of style. The brown color of the siding and roof also helps to create a warm and inviting atmosphere.

White House with Shed Roof Apartments

This contemporary house is a medium size and features a white exterior with a gray roof. The walls are made of tile giving the house a modern look. The house is surrounded by lush green trees and shrubs adding to the beauty of the home. The white and gray color scheme gives the house a clean and modern look perfect for any family.

Large Brown Brick House with Brown Tile Roof

This beautiful French Country style house is constructed with a brick siding in a warm brown color. The roof is a hip style roof made of tile and is also a warm brown color. The combination of the two colors creates a classic and timeless look. The house is surrounded by lush green landscaping adding to the overall charm of the home.