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Red Clipped Gable Roof House

Style ColonialThis beautiful colonial style house is constructed with brown shingles. The roof is made of the same material giving the house a uniform look. The windows are framed with white trim adding a nice contrast to the brown shingles. The house has a large porch with white columns giving it a classic colonial feel. The landscaping around the house is lush and green making it a perfect place to relax and enjoy the outdoors.

Small White Tin Gable Roof in Shabby-Chic Style

This small shabby-chic style roof features a gable design and is made of white tin material. The charming white color adds a touch of vintage elegance to the overall look. The tin material gives it a rustic and weathered appearance perfect for a cozy cottage or farmhouse. The gable roof adds a classic touch to the shabby-chic style making it a quaint and picturesque addition to any home.

Traditional Mixed-Material Orange Home

This house has a unique and eye-catching look. The exterior is made of a mixed material with stucco siding in an orange color. The orange color is bright and cheerful and the stucco siding gives the house a classic look. The mixed material of the exterior adds texture and interest to the overall design. The combination of the orange color and stucco siding makes this house stand out from the rest.

Beige Shingle-Sided Small Home with Gray Roof

This small house has a beige exterior with a gray roof. The beige color is warm and inviting while the gray roof adds a touch of sophistication. The small size of the house gives it a cozy feel perfect for a family of four or less. The house is surrounded by lush green trees and shrubs adding to the peaceful atmosphere.

Vibrant Red Dutch Roof Shingles Adding Charm to Home

This medium-sized contemporary roof features a Dutch design with red clay tiles. The vibrant red color of the clay tiles adds a pop of color to the overall aesthetic of the building. The Dutch style roof adds a unique and charming touch to the architecture. The durability and classic look of the clay material make this roof a timeless choice for any modern home.