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Beige Shingle-Sided Small Home with Gray Roof

This small house has a beige exterior with a gray roof. The beige color is warm and inviting while the gray roof adds a touch of sophistication. The small size of the house gives it a cozy feel perfect for a family of four or less. The house is surrounded by lush green trees and shrubs adding to the peaceful atmosphere.

Medium Composite Roof A Durable and Stylish Option for Homes

This medium-sized roof features a hip design giving it a unique and eclectic style. The roof is made of composite material providing durability and longevity. The combination of the hip design and composite material creates a modern yet versatile look for the home. The sleek lines and neutral color of the roof blend seamlessly with the overall aesthetic of the house.

Large White Stucco Traditional Home with Hip Tile Roof

This beautiful traditional mansion is a sight to behold. The exterior is made of stucco siding giving it a classic look. The roof is a bright red adding a pop of color to the building. The mansion is surrounded by lush green trees making it a perfect place to relax and enjoy the outdoors. It is the perfect example of a traditional style mansion.

Medium Traditional Mansard Roof in Green Stone Coated Steel Material

This traditional medium-sized mansard roof is made of stone coated steel in a vibrant green color. The unique design of the roof adds character to the overall appearance of the building. The durable stone coated steel material ensures longevity and protection against the elements. The green color adds a touch of nature to the structure blending seamlessly with the surroundings. Overall this medium-sized traditional roof with a green stone coated steel material is a stylish and practical choice for any building.

Mixed-Material Modern Home with Flat Roof Medium Size

This modern duplex apartment is a medium size and has a gray roof. It has two stories and a balcony on the second floor. The exterior is made of brick and has a large window on the first floor. The balcony has a metal railing and a modern design. The apartment is surrounded by trees and has a small garden in the front.